VALD Performance is made up of many assessment tools practitioners can use to measure your strength and movement.
Innovative Training Solutions is excited to partner with VALD and offer the Force Decks and Dynamo as part of the training experience within the gym.
The Force Decks are an excellent tool for both the rehab population and sports performance population in the gym. Testing on the Force Decks will allow us to monitor the athlete's strength, load, limb asymmetries (imbalances) that may exist and so much more. Force Decks can detect and assess over 20 different movements including power, strength and balance moves.
Center of Pressure (CoP) is becoming a new balance assessment for any population! This metric looks at athletes balance bilaterally using the Force Decks. This allows the athlete to see where they are applying most pressure during balance activity (a true injury prevention tool)
Athletes will be tested weekly during their training time with this equipment. Every athlete will receive a report explaining what their status is and how their programming may or may not need to be adjusted or if better recovery needs to be completed by the athlete. All results will be shared with the parents. This will help ensure a stronger and healthier athlete.
For the athletes going through the ACL journey, this will help their mental return even more. Seeing real time numbers and knowing how you are progressing will help the athlete stay focused on their goals and know what they need to work for.
Once testing is completed all information is uploaded into the VALD Hub where the athlete can see their results and track their progress using the free MoveHealth app.
The DynaMo is a handheld tool that measures strength and ROM. A versatile tool that will be a great asset for the rehab athlete and sports performance athlete during their training sessions at ITS.
The DynaMo combines tension and compression force measurement with dedicated grip measurement and inertial measurement into one system,
Softball, tennis, baseball, and other overhead athletes will benefit from the strength testing battery associated with the DynaMo Plus in keeping their shoulders healthy
ACL athletes will have real time strength measurements in their lower extremities as they progress through their journey. Watching their strength improve during the long journey back to sport will help increase the mental part of their return as well as the physical.
Basketball, soccer, football and other high impact sport athletes will benefit from the testing protocol to make sure minimal strength asymmetries exist while they are competing in their respective sports
Sports performance athletes who train at ITS will be tested weekly to track their progress. This will allow the coaches at ITS to track the athlete's progress, see where there may be some asymmetries that may need to be corrected, watch for fatigue with athlete and correct whatever needs to be changed to help the athlete hae a better outcome with their training and athletic performance
Testing protocols are created according to the age of the athlete, sport they play and overall athletic development needed for the best possible outcome for the athlete.
NOTE: Acceleration Academy athletes are not included as sports performance athletes and therefore must pay separately for the VALD testing.
Establishing a consistent battery of testing while going through the ACL journey will create a stronger return for the ACL athlete and all parties involved! The orthopedic will have full reports of testing outcomes sent to them. Parents will have access to the app and watch their athlete progress through their journey! The athlete will have their home exercise program uploaded into the MoveHealth app with videos guiding them on what exercises to do at home.
Every athlete and their family will have access to the MoveHealth app when they start training and testing with ITS. This app gives real time updates on how the athlete is progressing with their training.
Parents will also be sent a full report explaining the testing and what each score represents and what we are looking for. All reports will be sent to the parents within 48 hours of testing (times may ary depending on the demands of the gym)
Athletes will also have access to online programming through the MoveHealth app. ITS coaches will create home exercis programs for the athlete to do as their homework. Programming will be sent as the athlete progresses and the need for extra lifts becomes necessary with their testing outcomes.
Not interested in training at ITS but still want to have your athlete tested? That is available! Parents can bring their athletes in once a week and have the report completed weekly for a fee. The only difference is no programming will be given to the athlete including on the
MoveHealth app.
Click the button below to see pricing options for VALD testing